Sunday, April 7, 2013

Insert Door Puns Here

When looking at Noises Off the motif of doors immediately jumps out. Farces hinge on exact timing and the misunderstandings that follow. If an actor misses their entrance, or a door is stuck making it impossible for an actor to leave, then the comedic timing and possibly plot line will be ruined. Noises Off is interesting because it not only shows how the doors/entrances and misunderstandings effect the actors onstage, but also in their real lives behind stage. 

I think a good tag line for this show would be "don't miss your exit". If you miss your exit on, or off the stage, then you would end up in even more misunderstandings and complicated situations. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you chose doors as being a motif for Noises Off. Besides being slammed for a nice comedic effect, the doors also serve a sort of symbolic purpose. These doors ought to physically separate the “real” world from the world of the play and help keep the balance between the two. However, in the play, the doors instead allow the two worlds to interact with almost disastrous results.
